
Free download life is strange arcadia bay collection
Free download life is strange arcadia bay collection

free download life is strange arcadia bay collection

While both stories remain as impactful as ever, there’re some issues that hold the games back for anyone who’re familiar with them. In Before the Storm, the story follows Chloe and her relationship with a girl called Rachel Adams, someone that plays somewhat of a role in the original. In the days that follow, she begins to rekindle her friendship with Chloe as well as having visions of an oncoming storm coming to her hometown of Arcadia Bay.

free download life is strange arcadia bay collection

For anyone that has been living under a rock, Life is Strange tells the story of Max Caufield, a young photographer with time-manipulating powers that stops her childhood friend, Chloe Price, from getting shot. Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection includes the barnstorming original and Before the Storm, released after as a prequel to the events of the original. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still a fantastic game, but there’re a fair few issues that mean anyone that knows the story of Max and Chloe would be better sticking to the Remastered version that came out for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC.

free download life is strange arcadia bay collection

It’s hard to recommend this to anyone other than new players. Since then, it has been released on various platforms, and now it has arrived on Switch as Life is Strange Arcadia Bay Collection. Dontnod’s classic choice-based episodic series lit the way for may games within the genre, and when it released, it both inspired and affected people in ways few other games had done before.

Free download life is strange arcadia bay collection